Writing for B2B Technology Enterprises

I have provided B2B technology content marketing writing for a number of B2B technology enterprises and B2B technology marketing agencies. Here are just a few of the projects I have completed.

Granulate provides autonomous, continuous workload optimization to improve performance and reduce costs for the cloud, Kubernetes, containers, big data, Databricks and on-premise assets. Upon request, I submitted pitches for short-form blog posts.

Compugen is an IT solutions provider that services the K-12, higher education, healthcare and retail industries. The client wanted comprehensive guides discussing the modern workspace and hybrid IT. They also wanted two blog posts that could be extracted from each of the guides.

OdysightAI’s (formerly ScoutCam) Camera-as-a-SensorTM is a visualization and artificial intelligence (AI) platform for enterprises in the Industry 4.0 markets to use for a range of condition-based monitoring and predictive maintenance cases. The technology provides acute visibility in areas that are typically inaccessible.

I was first tasked with editing and rewriting the copy for the Aviation, Energy and Transportation pages. I was then asked to complete a series of blog posts. At the same time, I also began writing and posting content for the company’s Linkedin and Twitter accounts.

Additional samples are available upon request.

Capsule 8 provides security for Linux systems, including production servers and containers for onsite and cloud applications.

I was tasked with providing copy for technical overviews according to specific guidelines on the following cybersecurity topics: EDR, threat hunting, endpoint security and IPS.

Capsule 8 has since been acquired by Sophos.

BigCompass provides integration consulting services to enhance data agility.

I was asked by a marketing agency to complete blog posts pertaining to APIs. For each blog post, I was provided notes, and in some cases, audio of interviews held with principals discussing topics related to API management.

Using its graph data platform, Neo4j enables enterprises to “make sense of data.” Specifically, it uses graph data science to find connections between big data.

I was contacted by a marketing agency to complete a single case study. I completed the case study based on a joint presentation given by principles at Neo4j and Boston Scientific.

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